API Enhancements that will save you time 🕒
Many venues are now utilising ROLLER’s API’s to build exciting apps, extend the platform and manage data. To help manage API keys and usage we’ve upgraded this interface and added a couple of handy new functions.
Firstly you can now view the last 30 days of activity for each API key in the grid. Secondly, we’ve added a new function to allow you to temporarily block an API key by disabling it and you can later re-enable it when ready.
A big update is an ability for multi-venue businesses using our HQ functionality to create and manage all API keys for linked venues within HQ. To do this simply head to Settings > Integrations > API Keys and you can create an individual key or select this option to create keys for multiple venues.
Credentials can be copied and pasted from the grid or you can export a full list of API keys.
We’ve also added the name of each API key to the usage export. This is useful for those times when you need to drill down into the usage data to determine which key and endpoint are exceeding expected usage.
Find out more in our guide.