GX Score - new Guest Insights dashboard
Happy guests visit more, spend more, and tell others - so delivering an exceptional guest experience is critical to sustainable business growth.
To make it even easier for you to discover exactly what makes your guests happy, return and share with their family and friends, we’ve built a new Guest Insights dashboard to enable you:
- Easily identify what guests love about your experience and which areas need improvement
- Track changes in your guests’ sentiment over time
- Discover whether new product, service or facility initiatives and improvements have impacted guest satisfaction
- Understand the root causes of poor experiences, by analyzing aggregate performance, such as viewing data by day of the week, or top rating factors chosen by guests'
Gain confidence and take the guesswork out of delivering an exceptional guest experience. Subscribe to a paid plan of the GX Score and start using guest insights today!
If you haven’t tried the GX Score yet, you can start for free and receive all these insights at no cost for the first 30 days before choosing a plan that works best for you.