7 years ago
Platform Release Now Available - 15th February
We have some exciting features in our pipeline for the coming weeks. Until then, here are some new updates and functionalities for this week 👇
- Upgrade to POS calculator - POS users can use the touch screen to key in payment amounts or, with the recent update, type in numbers using your device’s keyboard. How do I activate this? This is automatically updated, you might have to refresh your POS if you are prompted to.
- Ability to set a different tax per ticket type - In addition to applying a specific tax rate to specific products, tax rates can be now be allocated per ticket type or product variety. Visit our Knowledge Base to learn more. How do I activate this? This is on by default, please edit your Products accordingly to add a different tax setting per ticket type if required.
- Updates to Vantiv Receipt printing - Receipt template now includes POS device name. Functionality for Vantiv receipts are optional to auto print and can be manually printed on the payment page of POS. How do I activate this? No action is required for Vantiv clients.
- BB-1666 - Fix implemented for Pass Advanced settings to prevent caching of original setting
- BB-1694 - Upgrade to Gift Card functionality and generation
- BB-1803 - Party Runsheet updated to allow export of PDF for date ranges
- BB-1839 - Update to Logging Call functionality in Activity Stream
- BB-1869 - Party Runsheet data upgrades
- BB-1882 - Added validation for contact number in booking details section
- BB-1924 - Update to Bookings report export data
- BB-1948 - MGL integration update for data transfer
- BB-1956 - Bookings export data grid updates to include Location column
- POS-404 - Update made to POS 2.0 UX for refunding single ticket bookings