a year ago6/21/2023
Platform Updates, Fixes and Enhancements
- Legacy Checkouts - Solved an edge case where some tickets were to be purchased above the set product limit.
- POS - Package variations are now correctly showing as they do in Venue Manager and Legacy Online Checkouts.
- Resolved an issue that prevented some users from logging into POS for short periods after logging out.
- Credit card refunds against bookings with tips are no longer marked as unpaid.
- POS now correctly enforces the "Edit past bookings" role permission.
- Enhanced the POS to bring back the negative quantity of "sold out" session passes in POS after collaborating with venues.
- POS no longer sends email receipts if configured as so.
- Flags and bans text on guest records are now highlightable, so they can be copied onto the clipboard.
- Progressive Checkouts
- Fixed an issue where consecutive sessions were not appearing.
- Resolved a problem that prevented some guests from redeeming gift cards.
- Enhanced the calculation of party package inclusions for guests at checkout.
- Fixed a visual issue on date-led progressive checkouts which confused guests when there were no products sold on those days.
- Guests are now properly limited to the minimum ticket purchase configurations set for the product.
- Compulsory tickets are now enforced.
- Conditional form fields are now correctly displayed for guests.
- It resolved a problem that was causing time slot unavailability when a specific guest purchasing pattern occurred with ticket types.
- Fixed an issue that made it difficult for guests to navigate to the next available date when the calendar function was used, or if the checkout had products on the second page.
- Updated the terms and conditions checkbox to now be over two lines (still only one checkbox for guests) so that it's translatable for German venues.
- POS -Solved an issue causing POS UI to collapse tickets during bulk redemptions.
- Corrected the issue of SSK devices displaying in the POS.
- Corrected the issue with incorrect icon display in POS search tabs.
- Receipts - Updated receipts to show tipping options on reprinted receipts.
- Recurring pass - Resolved a challenge with recurring passes showing under incorrect date
- Refunds - Fixed an issue where a cancelled booking shows an amount owing
- SSK- Updated styling when switching an SSK from Session Passes to Standard Passes.
- Resolved an issue with "Session running" displayed after the session is complete.
- Enhanced scrollbar position on SSK settings page.
- Waiver - Fixed challenge which occurred after adding multiple languages.
- Bookings- Fixed error when creating a booking and selecting too many products.
- Resolved a challenge where resource allocation is lost after adding tickets to an overbooked resource.
- Booking details export - Fixed an issue with some values being truncated/cut off when exporting booking details.
- Gift cards- Corrected an issue where an expiry is shown for gift cards with no expiry.
- Solved an issue where gift card payment show as fully paid in POS but has an amount owing in VM.
- Guest metrics - Enhancement to show all guest metrics in the header of the guest page.
- HQ bulk edit - Resolved an issue where bulk edits of add-ons weren't updating in managed venues.
- Inbox - Fixed issue where Inbox is incorrectly showing for Booking agent staff.
- Invoices - Correct an issue with inconsistent payment amounts.
- Memberships -Resolved an issue preventing changes to some membership variations.
- Package discounts - Fixed a problem with discounts applied to packages.
- Party packages- Resolved an issue preventing more than one inclusion set to increment "Per package".
- Enhancement to the UI after adding items to a new booking in the VM.
- Fixed a challenge with the party package cost allocation.
- Update to prevent invalid party package durations.
- Resolved a challenge preventing add-ons from being added to some party package bookings.
- Password reset - Fixed problem preventing password resets from sending for imported staff accounts.
- Product description - Resolved an issue with the product description displaying incorrect formatting in emails.
- ROLLER Payments Payout Export - Fix to prevent current day's Funds Received from displaying as Other Gateway Funds Received.
- Ticket photo - Improvement to trigger ticket update webhook when editing ticket photo.
- Till reconciliation - Enhancement to prevent challenges with currency symbols included in the amount.
- URL - Update broken link to Progressive Checkout help centre article.
- Waiver permissions - Enhancement to prevent unauthorized staff from editing waiver content.
- Wallets - Corrected the issue where an expiry is shown for wallets with no expiry.
- Fixed a challenge with wallet numbers not being assigned if purchased from VM.
- Discounts - Fixed a visual issue that made the "Limit how many times the discount can be used" button appear unchecked, despite being checked.
- Guest emails - Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the button for guests to update payment details to not appear on the membership failed payment email.
- Email templates- Enhanced the Guest Invoice email preview to prevent edge case formatting errors.
- The Guest Membership details email template now displays a "custom panel" field.
- Template studio examples now visually align with the email templates.
- Hyperlinks now appear as blue instead of grey.